I have just joined in Morning Prayer on screen with a group based in Devon. This is the kind of thing many of us take for granted in this post-pandemic time. It was in the pandemic that we discovered new technologies like Zoom that enabled groups of us to meet easily, and many started to follow mass on screen in other parts of the country or indeed in other parts of the world. The Devon group has a dozen or so regulars and it meets both for morning prayer and for Night Prayer/Compline Monday to Friday. The founders are actually Secular Carmelite couple but apart from myself, the others are not, as far as I know. But it is especially helpful to me as a Secular since I am committed to say Morning Prayer and Night Prayer anyway, so now I have the privilege of doing so with others. On the other hand, there is no pressure involved and participants can turn up or not as their commitments allow. This is not only a blessing to those involved but it is a service offered to the Church.
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