A fellow Secular recently sent me this account of an unusual pilgrimage to the historic Carmelite site of Hulne Priory near Alnwick in Northumberland:
'Yesterday I had a blessed visit to the site of the first Carmelite priory in England, founded in the 1200s by the friars who travelled here from Mount Carmel in the Holy Land. It is located in the Hulne Park estate, Northumberland. It is said they wished to settle there because nearby Brizlee hill reminded them of Mount Carmel. This is a wealthy and immaculately kept estate. Not a blade of grass or fencing stone out of place. The original estate owners let the friars take all of the natural resources they needed to build with, gave them oxen and grazing rights etc. So they will have been very generously looked after. There is a big wall around it For protection because in the early days, raids by invading Scots were still common. The site is well looked after now despite being now a ruin. After the dissolution of the monasteries, the owners liked the beautiful place and built a picnic house in the grounds - which does slightly spoil the effect. I was very moved to be walking on the ground that our Carmelite forebears walked, and praying for these souls we pray for without knowing them individually. The Hulne Park Estate was landscaped by Capability Brown. It is very beautiful and has several well paved paths of various lengths and is open for walks. I believe there  is one fully accessible path for e.g. wheelchairs, pushchairs, notability scooters.'
J, riddled with cancer.
S, infant struggling with whooping coughÂ