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A meeting for Londoners

Very happy to advertise a forthcoming meeting in London.

'Dear Friends of Fr Marie-Eugene, we will have our third meeting next Saturday (2nd December - 2-4pm) at the Carmelite Church in High Street Kensington with Jean Khoury. We carry on with the beautiful insights and guidance of Fr Marie-Eugene on St John of the Cross by looking especially at the texts on pages 101-124: Doctor of Love, doctor of the nights and Faith, a mystery. There is no need to have read these pages beforehand. The book can be ordered on the following link: There is tea and coffee from 1:30pm, the talk starts at 2pm, followed by 30 minutes of silent prayer with questions and answers before 4pm.'

Blessed Marie-Eugene of the Child Jesus was one of the finest spiritual writers and leaders of the twentieth century, but Jean Khoury is also an excellent guide for our times - you can see several of his titles on prayer and meditation if you look on Amazon. He is a French Catholic Theologian, specialised in Spiritual Christian Life, with more than 25 years of experience in spiritual teaching and formation in the Church. He obtained his Bachelors in Philosophy and his Masters in Spiritual Theology from the Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France), and the Teresianum (Rome). In 2003, Jean founded the “School of Mary” for the teaching of deep spiritual life for adults. Since 1993, Jean has lectured world-wide on spiritual life and meditation. He is married and is based in London.

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