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Another thought on the mountain


Yesterday I wrote a few lines comparing the physical and the spiritual ascent (cf. John of the Cross). There is a famous remark associated with mountain-climbing: the mountaineer was asked why he went to so much effort and expense to get to the top of a particular mountain. The answer was 'Because it is there!'. This suggests a profound difference between the two kinds of ascent. We tackle the spiritual ascent because we believe it will take us to the door of heaven, it will lead to the salvation of our souls - a purpose-filled and deeply rational goal. We do it for the deepest and most sensible of reasons. We can give a reason for the faith that is in us. I noticed that the Olympics included a climbing race - or vertical running as it is sometimes styled. And that brings us back to St Paul's famous use of the athlete metaphor to talk about the spiritual life. All that training and effort and emotional investment to get a medal. But we put our hearts and souls into the ultimate goal, the infinitely desirable goal of heaven.

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