We Carmelites have always revelled in our relationship with St Elijah. But now his successor St Elishah can be celebrated on 14 June, as he has now been included as an optional memoria in the Discalced Carmelite Calendar. His name means 'God is my salvation'. I love the story of how Elishah healed Naaman of leprosy. The healing was a test of pride for Naaman. First, it was a servant girl who told him of the fame of Elishah and suggested he go to Israel to get healing. Then, when he arrived he was told by messengers from Elishah that in order to be cleansed he must wash seven times in the Jordan. The Jordan was just another river - why would it make any difference? He had been expecting some special ritual carried out by the prophet - and he was a very important person in his own kingdom, why hadn't Elishah bothered to come and meet him in person? There are so many lessons for us in this story - and it was recorded under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for us and for all believers. Naaman was so furious at Elishah's behaviour that he was all for going back home on the spot, but it was his servants who convinced him to try the remedy - and the rest is history. Humility and healing go hand in hand, and that is a lesson I have learnt time and again in Carmel.
For Intercession: J, a blind lady living alone and with health problems
I, a young mother on the long long road to recovery from a hugely demanding operation
C - a Spanish lady involved with the occult; prayers for her soul as she died recently