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Pope St John Paul II and Carmel


St John Paul II, whose feast day was just recently on 22 October, loved Carmel and wanted to become a Carmelite.  With the benefit of hindsight we can see that the Good Lord closed that road off for the greater good of the Church, since He wanted to bring blessings on us all through this hugely gifted man in making him Pope.  St John Paul II once described Carmel as a place ‘where prayer is life and life flourishes in prayer.’  My aim as a Secular is to make this real in my life.  It’s a tough call, because ‘things’ keep threatening to push the prayer out; it’s a long haul but looking back I can see real progress.  Thanks be to God!



Im, in recovery from a hugely demanding operation

S, an infant struggling with severe medical issues

B - cancer and his wife A caring for him

R, struggling with multiple health issues


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