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The Bigger Picture


Hot on the heels of yesterday’s blog about keeping in mind the wider picture beyond our local OCDS groups and communities comes the latest edition of ‘The Vine’, the newsletter of the OCDS in England and Wales.  It is stacked with reports of retreats and meetings all over the country and also with pictures both of groups and of individuals who have made their promises recently.  Sometimes local groups go through low periods of losing members for one reason or another, sometimes they encounter crises because of difficult behaviours or internal conflicts, and then it is especially helpful to be reminded of the bigger picture.  On the other hand the crises and the conflicts don’t get into ‘the Vine’ – and rightly so, but they do illustrate the need for constant prayer.  When I came into Carmel, it was in pursuit of spiritual growth, but I came to realise that there is an imperative need for personal and human growth as well.  I have tried to imbibe something of the wholesomeness and charitable spirit I find in others so as to grow as a person, but there is a tiny minority who don’t seem to hear this call to personal growth, and they are liable to fuel discontents.  May God keep each of us faithful to our spirit of humility and obedience.



Im, working through the long process of recovery from a hugely demanding operation

E, recovering from the very difficult delivery of her little son A

S, an infant with severe health problems.

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