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The circling mission


The latest issue of 'Communicationes' bearing news from Secular Carmelites around the world arrived the other day. It reminded me of the modern reality of mission. Not so long ago 'mission' meant European nations sending out personnel to preach the gospel in unchurched areas of the world in Africa and Asia. And there were many many heroic servants of the Lord who took that path. Now in Europe priests are coming to us from Africa and Asia (eg Vietnam) to revive our drooping faith here. In a similar vein, I read in 'Communicationes' about the foundation of a Carmelite monastery in Hawaii; this was down to seven Carmelite nuns who travelled there from Hong Kong fifty years ago. Somehow that typifies the modern circulation of Catholic personnel around the world in the service of the Gospel. Incidentally, it is heartening to read that one of those Sisters remains alive and celebrated her golden jubilee along with the golden jubilee of the convent.

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