I have just discovered yet another branch of the Carmelite tree through the 'Friends of the OCDS' offerings on Facebook. For all the negative publicity, there is so much that is useful and inspirational on Facebook. The Sisters of Mount Carmel are based in Los Angeles and are present in the Philippines and in East Timor. Their mission statement is this:
In a world redeemed by Jesus Christ, yet divided by injustices, we will respond through our Carmelite charism, our human, financial, and institutional resources in collaboration with the people of God.
This Order has its roots way back in the 1830s when two Sisters, members of the Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, came from France and settled in Louisiana, taking over a school and ministering to the French-speaking population in South Louisiana. Here's what they say about themselves on their website:
'The Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, commonly called Sisters of Mount Carmel, is a Pontifical congregation of Carmelite women who minister in apostolic service in the United States and in the Philippines. We belong to the Carmelite family and follow the Rule of St. Albert. Our Generalate or Administrative Offices are located in Lacombe, Louisiana. Our Motherhouse in the United States is located in New Orleans, Louisiana; a Regional House is located in Quezon City, Philippines. Our historical roots began in France in 1824 and the Congregation was founded in New Orleans in 1833.
Albert’s rule specifies only one work: a life of continual prayer. Carmelite prayer, a living in the presence of a loving God, is the beginning and end of zeal to discover, proclaim, and incarnate God’s love. The special charism of the congregation is an orientation to a life of prayer and of service, in union with Jesus, in whom continual prayer and action coexist harmoniously.'