At a small Carmelite gathering recently someone commented on the inspiring atmosphere – ‘something in the air’ that made them feel at home. This reminded me that one of the things which drew me to Carmel was the spiritual sharing. The Holy Spirit works to create a ‘safe space’ in the group in which we can air our faith difficulties and our challenges and our weaknesses without fear of ridicule or contempt. This of course is the ideal, but the balance of the group can be upset by one individual who does not really understand the Carmelite vocation, or by the growth of a ‘group within a group’ – essentially a faction. In the worse case scenario, this can in the longer term actually wreck the group. Everything is grace, said St Therese, including the health of the group, and we need to be mindful of that. When everyone is pursuing the detachment from the ego of which St John of the Cross spoke, something beautiful is created.
B, under treatment for brain cancer, and A, his wife and carer through it.
Im, a young mother under prolonged cancer treatment